embrace the weird

“you’re so weird”

take it as a compliment. embrace it. who else in the world has the same tastes as you, the same cheesy smile, the same face, the same high-pitched laugh that’s way too loud. who else’s room is such a mess of different ideas and interests and clothes and pictures? nobody thinks twice about that girl who fits in everywhere and is too “now” to question. she is forgotten as soon as she’s out of sight. but who forgets the person who sticks out so colorfully, has so many layers and crooks and crannies and surprises and doesn’t care what anybody thinks? people will appreciate you for being yourself, for having none of those fake personalities that people put on and take off everyday. you’ll be a pillar that everyone can count on, can lean on, because they know you’ll always be 100% you.

“you’re so weird”

you think so too? heck yeah

7 thoughts on “embrace the weird”

  1. Love this!!! We’re all different kinds of crazy. I bought a magnet the other day something like do the normal people even have fun. Really there is no ‘normal’ just different shades of weird.

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